Thursday, August 13, 2009

so i just remembered my mum offered to proofread my diaries and check them for spelling mistakes when i was younger. what kind of privacy is that?

my cat.

went for piano class again today. seems like that's all i do nowadays. mei yen was there as usual because we need to practice. i'm rather pleased with timmy's reaction to me now cause instead of ignoring me, he runs up to me and follows me for a little while as opposed to the sniff you get as another person. that dog is so freaking cute. yes not just cute. FREAKING cute.

oh and while we were there, we also helped irene jie jie design and make our instruments of torture that will frankly, also be used on ourselves during li bing's party cause we dont even know what's happening. noooo. i'm not a game master anymore. now i'll have to suffer just like the rest of you people.

chatting with the best bud

she may be getting a laptop. i am going to have to kill that ass. well, at first i was thinking okay nevermind it's okay cause she doesnt have wireless and she said "oh and remember that day you wished my house had wireless? day after that, i got it." . exactly right. my reaction was if i were to put it in terms you could understand would be like if i saw a living breathing dinosaur announcing it was a vegan in perfect english while standing on the last hamburger on earth. yes. completely astounded and like murderous at the same time.

which got me thinking. if i wished for a dodo to magically materialise and step on her. would that happen as well. and of course like other things, realisation dawned. HAD I JUST WASTED MY ONE LIFETIME WISH ON BETTER INTERNET AT HUI YIN'S HOUSE????

evidently, the highness from today still hasn't completely worn off. i blame the idiots i call my friends. they are so fun and just awesome. honestly, you guys rock.

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