Wednesday, August 26, 2009

so i had this dream...and i didnt have pants

racing kites
at piano class, mei yen decided she wasnted to do her addmaths homework so i had nothing to do so , yeah i took a nap on the couch. and in those 15 minutes, i dreamt i was at piano class and well most of it is really boring but it did look a bit like a korean restaurant i went to with gwee and natsu a while ago. but at some point, i happened to notice i wasnt wearing pants. yeah. it was.. very weird. and for some reason, that didnt seem to bother anyone at all.

well anyway, it was really random and mei yen and i talked about it and laughed a lot. and we talked about other stuff as well. including aaron ng's strange way of taking photos in her school which she described as "neh. that weird guy always stands so weirdly with a camera.. neh neh.." haha.

well, natsu went back yesterday. i cried. gwee cried. natsu cried. it was so sad. but i was really hungry. but nevermind its okay. and you know why? natsu's getting facebook.
oh and i met a 12 year old called ashley who is well, slightly taller than me. i WILL kill that girl.

let's see what natsdu has learnt from this visit.
1. malaysian food is awesome
2. nyonya food is weird
3.alyssa is a banana
4.when a banana is seen in the future, point at it and say "lyssa!"
5. gwee is awesome
6. rui and "dixter" are funny
7. super junior, sorry sorry rocks to the max.
8. get facebook
9. gwee has some godawesome friends
10. if she meets arashi. she must tell him to come to malaysia. haha

ahh. im going to miss that girl...

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