Saturday, August 08, 2009

japanese people have small feet.

my desk. again.

i am a banana. because i am a chinese and cant speak chinese. and malays who cannot speak malay are called coconuts. note to self. do not make references such as these or to fruit when you are talking to japanese people you've just met. if probably freaks them out. natsumi may be scared of me.

just when i thought the internet couldnt annoy me more, it pulls a huge stunt with led me to sit in front of the computer staring at a blinking green light for 34 minutes 26 seconds. okay fine. i admit i made up the seconds part but it did last for 34 minutes.

today was fun despite the evilness of parents and the internet which at this speed still continues to just suck. didnt go to school today because my mum was in a mood and couldnt pick me up if i stayed back and since that was the whole reason i was going, oh and i also didnt have transport even if i chose to go back on time so it doesnt really make a difference either way.

tong's surprise party was apparently fun. oh well. i cant talk about it cause I WASN'T THERE. anyways, i woke up at 10 because of this stupid internal alarm clock thing and since i had nothing else to do, i began fixing my table and after that a chest of drawers. now after everythings fixed.. its going to be weird not to have to assemble several objects in a day...

at english tuition, i was suddenly reminded that we had a debate to present. topic :should gays be accepted in todays society. i was the "for" or whatever. and i hadn't even prepared one word. but luckily, i was the last speaker and i had a little while to think a little. if they had spoken longer i probably would have had more time. but thank god, everyone didnt really know how to do a debate either so they were suckish too. but i wish they took longer. so as they were talking i realised something very important.


so while the second speaker of the oposition was speaking, i ran through all the obvious points i could use and when i heard the word religion, i wrote it down. then i wrote a load of crap down in my book and talked crap during my turn. Ms. valerie beltran [yes she has a cool name.] gave us her review on our performance. apparently we all spoke for a really short period of time and we should make it longer and everyones points were all over the place. and i was thinking "aww we suck. oh well.". then, suddenly, she turned to me and said "but alyssa's points were very clear. i could understand what she was trying to tell me. her main point was there. you were the best today." and i felt this strange emotion that i'm pretty sure i havent felt before in my entire life.

it was , well i dont know what its called. but if i were to put it in a sentence it would be that-emotion-you-get-when-you-are-praised-by-an-actual-human-being-whom-you-know-isn't-being-the-least-bit-sarcastic emotion. it was so awesome. i felt so elated. and the best part is, i still dont know what my point actually was but who cares. it was there!

went to the dewan MBPJ on thursday.i saw a guy who was TALLER than JING XIEN. yeah and not just by a little. A lot. he was towering over everyone!!! literally. this may very well be the highlight of my week because like many other human beings, i lead a very boring life. then the gang and i went to jing xien and we like kacau-ed him a little. he was pretty confused for a while cause we were all excited about sharing our knowledge about mr insanely tall there so we probably sounded like a bunch of monkeys after a watermelon. but in the end i fully utilised my "I AM OLDER THAN YOU. OBEY ME" authority that comes with the being old thing. [wish i could figure out a way to get this to work on amanda sekbut. that's not going to happen anytime soon.] and he for some reason stood up, saw the guy and the look on his face was priceless. it was a mix between complete shock.. and well complete shock. then he was like cover face and sat back down. haha. so cute. it was like he was emoing because he wasnt the tallest anymore. poor guy.

saw the japanese student who's staying at gwee's house. her name is natsumi something. went to gwee's swam a little in icecold water. shes really nice. then we wwent to the pasar malam and bought 70 bucks worth of malaysian cuisine. which was awesome. and i bumped into kar yew. 10.30. man. that boy goes out late. he coincidently happened to push right in front of us and i was like "KARYEW!" like a mentally retarded person. the japanese girl was really cute then.

natsumi me gwee
hmm? oh! yeah. ... man. [that felt weird]
oh...*nod nod* you know man?
uh. yeah. he's in my school. same class.
oh oh. *nod nod nod*
do you think blue is better...

she was so cute. she nodds so much. its so adorable!!! and she says everything is really cheap. which kind of if you think about it is unfair becasue to her its cheap and to us its just well "normal." and gwee was VERY random.

bonded with alice and tien yi and hui pin at physics tuition. we discussed the topic about the boy who was sitting next to alice who also happened to be the dude who pushed me off a bus. twice.

see, in primary school, this dude was like i dunno. small. but i was smaller. and as you know, theres this thing that goes "pick on the puny weaklings" ie; me. so he pushed me off the bus once, i scraped both my knees got on the bus and tried to wipe the blood off with my skirt. in my defense it was really dark coloured so you couldnt see the blood. but my memories must be a tad retarded because i remember waaay too much blood. anyways, the next week. while my knees were healing, he pushed me off again, and i rescraped them. a week later, i just fell off. i guess my bloody knees missed the damn road. and when i told alice this, she laughed and wrote in the school diary "conclusion:alyssa is NOOB." which i for some reason found to be extremely hillarious. and i wrote :"no. conclusion: i like falling off buses" and we laughed like the complete idiots we are. also the aircond was blowing on use and we were freezing."i miss feeling another emotion other than complete coldness. my fingers have forgotten what it's like to be something else other than a useless stubby lump of ice. they need their manouver ability." is that how you spell manouver? maneuver? manoover? okay well at least we know the last ones completely off.

ps: pizza is awesome! nd i still want that spoon.

we played some sort of game on the way back in the bus. it goes something like this. sofia and others name 4 people or three people and you have to choose which one you'd rather marry, kill and bang. [have sexual intercourse kind of bang.]. so jimmy had to choose between kath, me, tong and ama. well he didnt really choose anyone but i was thinking. would it have hurt more if he chose you to be the dead one or not choosing you at all? interesting question.

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