Saturday, December 06, 2008

title and registration.

YESSSS!!!!ARES STARTED WORKING AGAIN!! woohoo!! thanks to my ingenious ways of problem solving. haha. re-downloading...downloading as many songs as i can now!! yay!!more death cab.

yes i am inexplicably estatic right now..

gah! concerts is tomorrow!!! i need to scream!oh crap hope i remember what to say for the sketch, hope i won't screw up in the duet and hope my normal voice comes back when i'm singing during choir... sigh.. it's too bad i'll be outside taking care of the fod for most of the performances.. like.. noooooooooooooo.. oh well. that's just one [HUGE] minor setback. i did so want to watch some people play... oh well...

OKAY! i've decided! i must work hard to master the guitar.. then mum will buy me something like kendricks.. and kenzo's.. exept a lot cheaper and i can rub it in their faces. haha.. okay now i'm just talking to myself..

what times is it...
ho shit! it's 11pm!! BLOOD TIES! BLOOD TIES!!!
[and this would answer the question; are you a vampire fanatic?]

how did kendrick become such an expert on the guitar in just 1 year??? i have got to kill that dude... apparently, he just watches his friends play the guitar.. makes sense akshully...BUT! ...does that mean i'll have to download videos from youtube and watch them all night till my brain starts to hurt???yikes...

now must randomly run off to watch blood ties and read mei yen's blog cause i've been pestering her to update it.. hahaha...

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