Saturday, December 27, 2008

"ello gov'ner...'

what's up people??? okay, if anyone said "the sky" or something lame like that, please slap yourselves in the face with a fish [if there isn't any fish around, slapping yourselves with your bare hands are acceptable.]

i'm writing from singapore [you know the place near malaysia where it takes about 3 to 4 hours to reach by car.. and it feels even longer when your niece tiries to kiss you when you're car sick and feel like puking in her face? yeah that's SINGAPORE. other than that, it's a great place. and that was NOT sarcasm.]

met my really distant cousins there.. i've been swimming and i've bathed at least twice today... and guess what, that'll make it more than 4 baths today cause we'll probably go swimming again after i have another shor. hahaha..

TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO SAT FOR PMR[the horribly stupid and pointless exam people in malaysia have to take when they're in form 3...] GOOD LUCK.. MUAHAHAHAHAHA... SERIOUSLY, I'M PRAYING FOR YOU PEOPLE, AND ME.. PRAY FOR ME!!! okay? thx loads.

you may ask me why i'm blogging when i live in the same house as my cousins and my two little nieces.. wel, actually you wouldn't but i'm going to tell you anyway.. :)hah!it's cause they're having a christmas party and they ivited their friends and i am incredibly lost and have no idea about what they're talking about..and they're also playing hide and seek... yes i am truly a sadcase... oh well, at least now i can blog.. i guess..

haagen daaz ice cream rocks... on a completely unrelated matter, I WANT A NEW PHONE!!!!

miss you guys loads.. and people at piano class, gppc people, I'M SO BORED!!!! my birthday's coming up!! save up and buy me a new phone!!haha.. just joking.^^ after you tell people i bully you guys..

wanted to post up a picture of their dog. sapphy, but.... they don't have any in their laptops [yuh uh THEY HAVE LAPTOPS!! AND IPODS.. ya. she's SIX!!! I AM SO JEALOUS!!!!]

oh crap!! got to go!!!! bye^^ please talk to me through my cbox thing!!! i miss you guys okay???/ i need at least some form of cmmunication...

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