Monday, December 08, 2008

Eagles may soar in the clouds, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.

i think my streamyx bill this month is going to be a tad bit more than last month... i'm downloading too many things with ares now that i've got it running again[YAY!].

"food is not permitted beyond this point. please proceed to the back. thank you and have a nice day."

yes i sound all robot-ish and stuff. kimberly too siad it's funny. and she kept saying "rewind!rewind" and i would like repeat the whole thing over and over again. haha...

before the choir performance, kimberly and i felt out stress level rising and so, we did the "stress-banishing can-can!!!" hahaha. we were like "na na nananana na na!na na na na nana na na na na na nanananananana na na.." and kicking our legs up. haha. yes. in public. people looked at us funny.

and i kept burning my hands with hot wax from the candles. but after the 5th of 6th time, i sorta got used to it and it didn't hurt that much anymore when it happened 8 more times. yup. all this happened in only 15 minutes! or less.

the sketch was a lot awesomer than i thought it would be and people actually laughed!!! as it turns out, adults actually do have a sense of humour!! okay. that's a little mean. i'll cut it out. there were a lot of problems with the timing of the lighting though.. it's like before 10 seconds, the light would have already come on and we'd be like "crap. we arent in position yet." and omg omg omg!! jie eu did her " muahahahahaha" evil laugh thing!! it was sooo cute! and when she was holding up the cue cards [23rd november, 1-3 and stuff] , some one tried to pass her the mike so she could laugh evilly again and she took it and the cue cards fell and she was like" muahahah-huh??" SO CUTE!!! alot of adults laughed.

after my duet with mei yen [which was a huge disaster since my completely numb fingers slipped on the notes causing mei ye to panic and stop playing for a few seconds] i immediately removed my stupid too small heels and wore my comfy converse shoes. haha.
OH HAIL COMFORTABLE FOOTWEAR!! must've looked weird with my red knee high dress and converse shoes.. oh well. i don't think many people noticed. :)

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