Sunday, February 07, 2010

my nieces are pretty cool.

ahh i love them. but they are so evil. but so cute.i fear one of them may be going lala. oh the horror. just kidding.

example of a conversation they yell at the top of their lungs.

and this is where they yell at the top of their voices.

yes. i know. so cute but it gets you a lot of nervous stares form passerbys. and as you can see, they dont call me cheh cheh. sad eh. its just alyssssaaaaaaaaaa and stuff liek that. no title nothing. aww haha. its okay. i dont really give a crap. they forced me to play london bridge in tropicana city. really loudly. it was really quite okay when i had to just stand there holding hands with their maid and them running around my legs. but it was a lot harder when they stood up and said alyssaaa you go underneath okay. then i bent down to their level and said "little dudes. even if i sit on the floor, i still cant go under that." then they started going "whyyyyyy". and kept doing that until i asked them "why what?" and they realized they forgot why they were asking the question. little kids are so cute.

one of them tried to follow me in the toilet.

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