Wednesday, October 07, 2009

who wants to play the name tongie game?

so, tong and i have been on msn discussing what her middle name should be. so we've been seriously seriously discussing it. well, basically we stopped at jordan. cause amelia jordan tong sounds well, better than the others we suggested. and i so graciously pointed out the fact that it sounded oh so british. and weve been typing like mad british people on pot. yes. very fun.

oh and ms beh LOVES the proposal although it was very VERY VERY sick. but still i like it too. very funny. :P . MUST WATCH DAYBREAKERS, INCEPTION, AVATAR. i dont care what people say. i watched the cartoon.i must watch the movie too. i know there are probably a lot more stuff i wanna watch but i cant think of any now. so... yeah.

1 comment:

Eugene Guok said...

I know! Amelia Camelia TONG! muahahaha