Saturday, October 10, 2009

d a y t w o at amanda ng's house yo.

been obsesses with taking pictures of moving lights for the past week. excuse me.

sup my buddehs.

too lazy to log into my msn account. haha. so nevermind i guess. pretty pleased with myself. we studied today. oh yes. as in the i-really-know-what-Baiah-means kind of study. and aren't you proud of me? also, as of today, i've finally found out. I REALLY LOVE like some kind of mnm junkie who just cant stop eating them. they just taste so good... also, i'm a HUGE slob.

exhibit A:
i havent folded any of my clothes.
exhibit B:
i keep my phone cable in my pajama/unmentionables compartment...
[ahh.... well, to clear any suspicions, my clothes ARE clean. or relatively clean anyway. probably all covered with cat fur though....]

anyway, woke up around 10.23am today. we did actually set the alarm for 10.00 but we're such pigs, we didnt even here it go. webcammed with tien yi last night. saw her cool optimus prime thing that can be transformed. which is awesome i might add.

anyways, been having loads of fun. her bro, joel, is pretty fun too. at least he talks to me. you know like sort of layans my craziness. haha. the other brother, james, kind of just keeps to himself in his room. ah well.

i think we're going to church tomorrow! kind of excited actually. wonder why. haha.

went to atria.. after her drum class

to the woman//wormlike thing who is wrapped in her quilt or whatever you call it on her bed. "NO I WILL NOT HELP YOU UPDATE!"

and after her bros guitar class. we ate pop corn chicken, cheezy wedges and uh... CRAP! I JUST REMEMBERED WE HAVE BLUEBERRY CHEESETARTS IN THE FRIDGE!!!

yeah it was pretty fun. see if we can get any studying done after this eh? and yes. we havent showered yet. it's part of our plan for world domination. cue evil maniacal laughter.

on a completely unrelated note, i wonder how my deranged, senile cat is doing....

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