Monday, April 06, 2009

Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one

the guys in bio tuition may or may not be afraid of me... today, i just noticed how unladylike i actually am. see here. AMA SEK [evilll] decided not to go for tuition today and therefore, i had to go by my lonesome and then sit in front where it is basically freakishly cold. and so i was freezing.

actually before bio tuition, as always i'm always gifted with the gift of punctuality and obviously, i had to wait outside as everyone is always late. unfortunate. i know. and then i had to sit there for like.. 15 minutes or so before this guy came and i stared at my mum with the " let me outttt." look till she said " fine. you can go in." and then i was like :D and went in. haha.

then the guy right, phwoar! so well mannered. open the gate for me. haha. joking la. i dunno la. wtv :P

anyways, went in class began. ashleyy didnt come..T_T which made me sad but nevermindddd.. and so i sat there with the other guys. sadnyaaaa... then... we did the experiment.. testing for starch and glucose with iodine and bennedict's solution?

yeah so then teacher was like passing out test tubes. the he said " fill one third of it with starch solution adn then spit in it so i can getyour salivary amylase. then he laughed to himself it was funny really. in the kind of cute creepy senile way. haha. but he's a good teacher and there are experiments so yeah.

then the guys filled in the starch thingy first. and then me. and then teacher was like " okay then you can spit in ti." and then i was like thinking okay. and you may think i'm gross or something but before he even finished his sentence i just turned around and like spat into it. eheh.. and now i'll continue what the teacher was going to say " .. so i know you all don't like to do it here because it is very private.. bal bla bla.. so you can go into the toilet and do it." and i was like thinking..*ho shit.. UNLADYLIKE! UNLADYLIKE!*

then the guys, yes THE GUYS, lined up at the kitchen area and one by one went in to spit.. then one went into the toilet to spit. eventually, it was just me and the guy who opened the gate for me earlier. and i was like well, stoning cause i already spat in it and stuff. then he saw me like stoning and was like " hah?? you spit already??" and i was like. "uh. mmhmm." nodding ya knoww.. and he was like "...*speechless*.." i'm like.. i dunno some village idiot who needs to be taught correct adequate behaviour after being brought into civilisation... sigh..
huiyin. teach me to be normal..T_T

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