Sunday, April 26, 2009

clearly, the delirium is setting in. please bring me some soup while i still understand what a spoon is for.

i am so sleepy right now. and my evil messenger thing has suddenly decided to go all ridiculously wonky, retarded and what not. currently, it refuses to sign me in no matter how many times i press the troubleshoot button. oh well. i'm bored and really sleepy but big bang theory is just so very funny..

ps: LYEN CHIN! SUPERNATURAL EP 19, I HAS IT! muahahahahaha. oh and fyi, watch... um... the unborn is it? it's really really cool!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. the guys eyes are so cool and the cg effecs are kinda awesome. but if you've suddenly developed a heart condition or something. don't watch it :) but man it's was cool haha.

Don't break me, I bruise easily
The source of both your love and misery
I am steady, beating endlessly
While you are dozing, dreaming pretty things

Saturday, April 25, 2009

tagged. *grumbles but does it anyway to escape from homework haha*

Rules and regulation of the tag :
#All 21 people must do unless you don't have a blog.
#Write the names of 16 friends you can think of in your head.
#And then answer the questions, say you're guessing if you don't know,
#But at least guess on all of them.
#After doing this,tag your 21 unlucky friends to do the same!

1. AMANDA NG WEN WEI-wahahaha you're number one!
2. KOH HUI YIN -mahahaha suckerrrrrr
3. TONG TONG TONG TONG TONG * muahahaha* pui yee
5. zoeyyy
6. soongie.
7. peter! -wait do you even have a blog??
8. lyen!!!
9. chieng qian!! CQ!
10. eugene
11. wee shien
12. selena
13. GWEE
15. nick
16. daniel
19. shu xian
20. eva!

1. how did you meet 7?
through vanessa soong! wha.. great. now peters ego is going to inflate even more cause he's on number one... what man.. so coincidental...

2. What would you do if you and 15 had never met?
i have no idea... i probably wouldnt have noticed how puny the school toilets really are i guess. haha. [to resh: WELL, YOU BROUGHT IT UP?!!] haha

3. What would you do if 20 and 1 dated?
... this is assuming that they are lesbians right?... i'd laugh my ass off and thjen die./ haha.

4. Have you seen 17 cried?
nope.. well cant think i have actually. haha.

5. Would 4 and 16 make a good couple?
um... i have no idea. it's up to them i guess haha.. maybe who knows. haha

6. Do you think 11 is attractive?
yup i guess so. i dunno. this is hard...

7. What is 2's favourite colour?
welll, i would say pink but she changed it this year... maybe baby blue or something. if not. oopsss. haha

8. When was the last time you talked to 9?
um um um... maybe yesterday i guess haha. it's impossible not to. i practically run on batteries.

9. What language does 8 speaks?
ENGLISH! yeah mann but she also speaks mandarin. however she claims she sucks at that.. so... ENGLISH!!

10. Who is 13 going out with?
i'd rather not say. haha

11. Would you ever date 17 ?
okay. number one. i'm not a lesbian. and i'm pretty sure that goes for a very strong point by itself.

12. Where does 18 live?
on earth most probably. haha. see i'm SO specific.

13. What is the best thing about 4?
mm.. she's like really nice. and well i dunno you can talk to her about most anything. very understanding too. and also, she's completely sane. haha.

14. What would you like to tell 10 right now ?
i have cookies and you do-ont!! lalalalala.

15. What is the best thing about 20?
i can like click with her haha. she's funny. humour is a must.

16. Have you ever kiss 2?
nope and i don't plan to either. haha.

17. What is the best memory you have of 5?
well, i dunno, does this include with other people too? cause going out with her family is fun. btu really, i have too many haha. see zo, i lobbee you that much! haha.

18. When's the next time you're going to see 4?
in three days time. haha. i didnt even need to change that answer...

19. How is 7 different from 6?
well, 6 is a girl. 7 is sort of like a girl. btu he's not. haha. just joking. ... please don't kill me.

20. Is 2 pretty?
yes. but i am not attracted to her in any way. haha. but she is my best friend... does that have to do with anything... [deliberates]

21. What was your 1st impression of 15?
says moo, yay, whee and etc. funny. and really REALLY TALLLLLL!!! life's not fair.

22. How did you meet 3?
um.. my class mate. batai started in form 2. at first we were sitting like across the class form eachother and then we[khy and i] moved to the front and tong and manda ng happened to sit behind us. i made friends fast. but i think tong thought i was crazy at first. probably still does.

23. Is 5 your best friend?
yup. of course. my oldest friend. by which i do not mean she's a century old. but i've known her the longest. :)

24. Do you hate 12?
well if i hated her. why would i have put her on? stupid question.

25. Have you seen 18 in the last month?
yup. everyday. except for weekends and public holidays haha

26. When was the last time you saw 16?
today in school. yeah. about right.

27. Have you been to 5's house?
too many times actually. but who's complaining right zozo?

28. When's the next time you'll see 10?
monday... right? there is school on monday right? haha.

29. Are you close to 11?
pretty close.

30. Have you been to the movies with 4?
eeeyeaaaaaaaaaa... nope. but we're planning to. i guess haha.

31. Have you gotten in trouble with 8?
hmm.. mayeb maybe.. who knows right ms chin?

32. Would you give 19 a hug?
yup! shu xian rocks! haha. and also, hugs are fun. i learnt that from my overly open minded ex classmates haha.

33. When have you lied to 3?
obviously. i ain't no saint.

34. Is 11 good at socializing?

35. Do you know a secret about 8?
muahahaha so many... hee heee heee.. lyen. are you scared now haha.

36. Describe the relationship between 12 and 18.
school mates! nothing ore nothing less.

37. What's the best thing about your friendship with 9?
we have to substitute the word cute with mature. and she's really nice. awesome person haha.

38. What's the worst thing about 6?
hmmm.. a bit too loud. and sings along to david archuleta too much haha. see and i call that the worst. imagine what a nice person she must be.. haha. [i'm such a suck-up]

39. Have you ever had a crush on 12?
for the last time, NOT A LESBIAN!!!

40. How long have you known 2?
form 1. haha. same class for three years. yeah la. stupid girl left me and tong in the fourth year. what happened to bataians forlife huh??? haha. just joking.

41. Does 11 have any girlfriend / boyfriend?
umm.. i'm not sureee..... there is this guy..but.. i dont know..

42. Have you ever wanted to punch 1 in the face?
not really. unless she does something evil which happens mostly everyday actually hmm.. wonder why...

43. Has 21 meet your parents?
nope. don't think he ever will.

44. How did you meet 11?
mmm.... through tongie..

45. Did you ever accidentally physically hurt 3?
with accidentally being the keyword.... yes. haha

46.Do you live close to 7?
i have no idea. peter, idf you're reading this, where do you live? this is an excellent excuse to stalk you,. haha

47. What is 8's favourite food?
er... green spot is her favourite drink? haha and junk food. yeah it's gotta be junkfood.

48. What kind of car does 1 have?
a toy one. haha.

49. Have you traveled anywhere with 9?
nope. unless the distance between khy's house and school is counted as travelling.

50. If you give 14 a $100 , What would she / he spend it on?
hmm.. somthing cute.. maybe a watch, clothes, stationery and..... i dunno, just really adorable stuff. or she'll spend it on us because she is overly generous which for some reason reminds me. i either owe her or gwee $1...

Friday, April 24, 2009

webcamming with an idiot.

i've noticed some people i have come to know and adore have not been written down under the "what i think of you" post thing.. sorry.. should i continue here???

PS:to a very persistent [and evil] MR.PETER NEIK, don't be too perasan okaaayyyyy. i only wrote the most about you because i was on a roll. i do not in any way love you more than soongie or zoey. SO GET THAT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM. oh yeah. and it bugs soong haha.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

untie that little string on your finger and let it swim away in the water..

i know i shouldnt be blogging but i am extremely bored. haha.

going to copy tong's idea like someone who copies other peoples ideas. and i will start posting stuff about all the people i know that i can think of now. haha. and to like not raise andy suspisions and whatever, i know what you guys mean, i'm going to try to do it alphabetically until i eventually give up and start doing them in a nonchronological anyway. but i guess i'll go at least past 10 before i do. haha.

ps: if you're lazy to read everything, if you're using mozilla firefox, just press 'ctrl f' minus the inverted commas of scourse and search for your name here :) if i forgot, i'm giving you the permission to bitch about it to me at school. :D

okaybut since lyen's in singapore, she's going to have to come first haha.

lyen,chin: superb idiot. but an awesome lameass friend. who's also extremely awesome. although people wil probably not notice this as i am only adding this on./ dude. BIG BANG THEORY ROCKS ON MANNN haha. combacktomalaysiaoryoudieyouevilfreakiwillkillyounexttime,.sohavefunthere :)
thu: never really spoke to her. but she's pretty cool and funny. and really really tall and pretty haha. she's from vietnam and shares a room with lyen in singapore. oo er.
chyie: i'm sorry but i don't know how exactly to spell the first part of your name. but lyen seems to think you're awesome. so you must be.happy belated birthday?
ivanka: hello. i have never heard from you before. but lyen likes you. so yeah. hello friend!

... okay you know what, the ace gang buddies will go first. it's just better to put them together. haha.and don't take offense if you're not first. it was supposed to be alphabetically but then.. tong and manda sek are so bloody close, i wanted to be nice and not separate them haha. so i put the last muahahaha.]

OKAY! NEVERMIND! I TRIED BOTH METHOD! NOTHING WORKS. i'm just going to jumble everything up. see what ties to the other. when soemthing pops up i'll just write it. but i'm still putting tong and ama sek last because sometimes their mean to me. haha.

oh and sorry if it's too long. but hello, i am writing what i actually think of the people. okay??? so it comes from he heart you know... so deep. yeah right! it's still true though.

malaysian people.

amanda ng wen wei: very funny. also see, VERY perverted. you may think i'm lying [but it's true. haha just joking chill okay don't kill me when i go to your house haha.]calls me lyssie.
koh hui yin: miss koh or khy. drinks this weird frothy thing every morning. tastes funny haha. she thinks she's funny bu shes not. haha nahh just messing with you. but she's still my bestest buddy ever. partner in crime mann. who could beat that..[ attempt to not get killed later. ahha]
chieng qian: very c- mature. sorry. haha. okay but seriously, this girl is probably one of the nicest people i know. one day, gweejia and this person can battle it out some place to be the nicest person ever. or maybe they'll just share. haha.
kathleen poh!: i added an exclaimation mark cause i think it should be there. very nice. very crazy when you get to know her.
jsaw jing xien aka mr saw:
he's really tall and nice. his birthdays just one day after mine so he's ;like a realy tall lil bro. who loves anime and sometimes helps me. very straightforward and has his very own pair of chicken wings. i know. he's awesome.
im leon: teachers always call him by the wrong name. fun. also a leo member. so you know he's nice. and and and he can draw really fast and cool-ly? too. oh and he thinks i'm always happy. haha. righhhttt. apparently i look it. yay1 i'm a happy person :)
puicheng: leo b.o.d member. phwoarrrrr. recently had a birthday. which sorry i couldn go to.
sabrina: awesome also a leo. pc's best friend. went to her open day.. i eman open house thing. SHE HAS A DRUMSET!! AND GUITARS!! droolsss...
alice: classmate. very nice. a little spacey but hy isnt eveyone?
chui yeng: awesome. check out her blog1 there are like so many jokes there.
gwee jia: is one of those people who are like really nice and awesome and stuff. she bought me a drink without even asking me! so nice!!
shuen wei: or shuenneee to manda ng. she's weird but very fun. has the tendency to blow air at me. i don't think you understand what i'm trying to say but just pretend you do.
tien yi: i don't really see her that often but i guess she's one of the top people right? haha. she's funny and like really unique. stand up for what she believes in man!!
chong wei: okay this girl is really smart. i see her one every year on sri kdu open day haha.
wen chien: same as chong wei, one of the victims of my klutzyness.
hannah:havent spoken to her in a while. but we used to be close. wonders how hannah is...
sara: also another person i've not talked to. we wished each other happy birthday so i guess it's still okay.
selena: very nice. but looks like she's emoing all the time. WHY SELENA WHY??
wee shien: she got a hair cut this year. and i think it's very cute. haha. but she's not going to see this so i dont mind writing crap.
eva: met her this year. we gossiped in the library about some stuff. very fun. khy calims she's perverted? but i cant be sure haha.
manda leong: a little too tall. unless i'm that height then it's okay. she towers over me okay!! so intimidating. but i like her. she's friendly and she understands what i'm trying to say.
sze yin:hmm can draw really well. nice. didnt know she was so loud till this year. feel stupid for that. was in the same class as her before.
kar yew: mmm. has this really cool slang when he talks. very cool. also another genius. extremely tall and like tong says tall and skinny.
reshween: hmmm let's see, she joined this year. but has got probably more friends that i will ever make. very friendly person. loves man u and could probably kick your ass if you pissed her off.
jenn: my bio partner. other than the other guys who OVERCROWD THE TABLE.. always sleepy haha. but she's really nice and funny.
foo wai: suddenly remembered him saying " you know why i'm fair, because i'm a .fai..." you know what, i don't think i should post that up.nevermind.
kenzo: um... he's really talented at the piano playing and whatever it is you call that. a little weird. but i think i get what he means. which probably makes me weird as well actually...
li bing: um... this is getting hard. how do i describe these people?!
khei qi: loves timmy? lost for words.
boh yee!!: she's very blurr and funny. didn't know that before this year. but now i do! she get's lost when we're going to my house haha.
maddie: mmm.. cute. but mean to boh yee. which i find entertaining haha. sorry!
nick: mm. he says moo a lot. i don't get it. but it's fun to pretend i do. one of the people who are addicted to that mousehunt game on facebook. thinks i'm very garang...can't think why *whistle whistle*
daniel: hmm.. omg.. i actually cant think of anything to write about him.. crap! um um.. class monitor??? probably nicks best friend.
eugene: .. okay. um. he's a little weird but funny so it doesnt really he's been addicted to mousehunt the longest i think. i tried playign it.. the first thing that popped up was ' you've been awarded a complementary plank of wood' and i decided i didn't want to play it anymore. haha
jiayun: ive never really spoken to this person before but i think i could call her a friend i guess...
hui pin: i know where she lives!! haha. no i don't stalk her. i did however see her walking into her house last last week. haha
evon: same accounts tuition as her. she enjoys carrying my bag in the morning for some reason. ... meh less work for me. haha
andrea law sui yng: typed out her full name so you could see how much it resembled mine. almost thought that i was in cengal because of her. i recall me and manda ng going " yesss!!! " because we thought they called my name. hah!
dickson: saw him at the kdu open day thingy. very dark in the hall. one of the people i stalked with zo's camera. jeng jeng jengggg.
peter: enjoys annoying the hell out of me and zo. also enjoys asking me " is this on" because of something that happened which has led to a loss on my part. damn you peter!fineee... khy says i'm making peter sound like an evil person [which he actually is but nevermind!] haha just joking. peter is fun. evil. but very very fun. and it's not like i dont annoy him right?haha.
vanessa soong!!!: is insane, my partner to do the " we're,*hair flip* hot." thing. honestly, we're just joking so don't take it too seriously. incredibly fun to be with. love's david a. a little too much actually. i call her soongie. because she's awesome. oh and MAKE ZOEYY GIVE ME THE PHOTOSS!!!! thank you:)vanessaaaaa. are you happier i am puposefully using extra long extended words to give people the assumption that yours is way longer than peter's haha. is this enough yet??? okay nevermind serious time. dude, you are very . cool and are like one of my most open minded and completely okay with yourself kind of friend. i love ya and if you ever change, i am going to have to kill you. so there. see it's longer already HAHA.
zoey: thinks i could kick her ass. i probably cant' but let's just let her think so. haha. enjoys reading a lot...named explody butt by soong and i. loves my drawings even if i think they look like a pile of shit. this woman even makes me give her all the things i tear up okay?? in other words, i mean she's insane:P
[meh can't catch me i'm the gingerbread man!] now i am addign crap to zoey's because i fear that if it is not as long as soongies, i may be murdered brutally in fact. haha. um... this evil person has not yet come to view what i've written about her. hmph. or if she did, she didnt bother to comment.. hmph. EVIL!!
brendan: talks like a gangster via sms casue he thinks if he talks with normal sentences, it makes him sound gay, i don't get it but hey. doesnt matter
gary low: haven't seen him in a while... well, if he's not dead it's okay.
munn leong: english name is steven. coincidentally found this out today. i think he was writing it down on his pencil box. i'm very kp that way :P.
stefan and jason: isit? i dunno. not a couple though. dont assume they are just because i happen to put them together. mm.. he and jason and nick actually do this weird humming thing that's like some meditating chant or something i don't really know.
vincent ng: also one fo the accomplices who hides eugene's bottle all over the place.
vincent teoh: has been bugging tong tong ever since she joined his tuition. haha
shu xian!!: shuuu. she's damn funny and always so happy. very fun person. miss hanging out with her... she lovesssss prince of tennis or something like that. ahha
chris!: loves anime and manga and all forms of art! can write really awesome stories but keeps it to herself. SHARING IS CARING!!
mei yen: evil but she's funny so nevermind.we call her sifu cause she's funny. also my duet partner for the concert thingy haha. practically died on stage ahha.
ai vee: funny. same grade as me for piano. miss her havent seen her in ages which is a little sad.
hui ying: damn funny. very loud person but i like her cause as usual, she is awesome!!!
wen qi: my best -bestest friend int eh wide wide world. is that right? i dunno. she made it up last time. haha
tze wei: hmm.. very crazy actually. these people would go under the term of popularrrr. haha
hsu wern: nice. i'm tired.... haha. miss you guys! tell me when you all going for piano class lah!!
ama sek: enjoys hitting people ie; tong tong
tong pui yee: although she denies it, i'm pretty sure she's okay with the name tong tong. she probably even likes it. shhh.
[oh and it will be clear if she likes it or not. just see if she comments heheh]
ken shing: BOBB!!! sorry! haha. mm.. he's.. okay i guess. quite funny also actually btu theres not much i can say haha. dui bu qi. [attempts speaking mandarin]
hong yi: please tell me i spelt it right?? bob's best friend. also funny. huh.. guys now are just full of humour arent they.. hmmm..never noticed that before haha.

haha. so that's what i think of you guys. haha. peter.t hinks i'm mean now. muahahahaha.

me: hmm.. crazy, mildly retarded. probably will have mental problems in the new future. i guess i could be a fun person to be with. people say i have A.D.D and am extremely blur and such. yeah that's it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

kdu open day!!! and somethign about chieng qian :)

i had so much fun. went to zo's house at 10 ish and annoyed the hell out of her cats. missha follows me around because i have a jingling keychain that sounds like him haha so cute.

at kdu, walked like 4 or 5 rounds aroung the canteen, library and auditorium of the secondary block before we decided to call soong and aske her when she'd be coming. met peter.... veerrry awkward haha. but it got better. he and soongie are so close.. so adorable la.. but peter is so annoying. bet he had fun anoying and poking me. honestly, that boy is evil. but funny. he has this really funny picture on zo's new camera... phwoar.. love that camera. it an go up to 20X zoom!!!! *drools*

i saw, linda, wen hui, nicole, sheng yin, foo, dickson, brendan, gary tee, liyond, chong wei, vanessa teo [omg!], qistina and like a thousand other people. haha. mainly, i walked around in a daze. very worried i'd meet someone who could recognise me while i couldnt recognise them..>< so hard.

oh yeah! soong saw dickson in the auditorium while we had our hands on her mouth [ she loves david archuletta so much that she kept singing along. at a VERY HIGH volume]. peter had his hands over her mouth the most la. SO LOUD! i took a video. eheh. david archuletta looked so cute when he arrived at kdu, saw the video. he was like " hi" so awkward and lost haha. but damn cute. haha. and yet. zo is convinced he looks like a weasel.

oh and speaking f which, i had free tickets to go to his concert. haha i just didnt know it. RUBBING IT IN. muahahahahaha.

dickson is so tall. haha. and i wanted to make peter feel bad for annoying and poking me so i had him stand next to dickson muahahahaha. i felt stupid when peter tapped my shoulder and i spent at least 1 or 2 minutes staring in the opposite direction. T_T so stupid.

people recognise me! i feel so loved :) let's seee... the first person i hugged was sheng yin. haha. i miss her. we took a photo together. and in that photo, you could see the glare from my lime green shirt rubbing off on my glasses. haha it's THAT bright.
then i hugged... soongieee!!! and then... wen chien... i hugged her twice. haha. then dickson. then.... wen chien again. nearly fell the second time. cause i was like swing out. and then zoey pulled my hand and i fell down. nearly took her with me hahaha. so clumsy. I TOLD YOU PEOPLE I WAS UNSTABLE!! then i hugged chong weiii!! haha... she's so cute. same as ever. aww.. i miss them now.....

peter hit me repeatedly because i wouldnt belanja him mcdonalds. hmph! buy with your own money lah! haha just joking. kacau him only :D

went back to zoy's house and saw this doodle she had on a pencilbox. it had a really happy face ad braces. and the first thought that came to mind was " HAHAHAHA!!! IT'S PETER!" haha. take that you evil person.

i stalked people that day. with zoey's camera.. so fun... going to post the pictures up when she send them to me haha.

today i've learnt that with chieng qian, you cant call her cute. you have to substitute it with the word mature. ie; omg! chieng qian! your hair is so cu- ... mature...*nod nod* haha..

Friday, April 17, 2009

why fingernails are funny.

today as you may or may not know, i have physics tuition...... and account tuition[but nothing extremely funny or stupid ever happens there.]. but let's talk about physics. i mean i kinda dislike the teacher.. a lot. okay more than a lot. but it's really fun cause it's with manda and shuen wei and since the class is that small, manda isnt afraid to make a fool of herself haha.

today before physics, i got to manda's house early and we were talking about.. something in her room. then shuen wei came and both of us [ie; shuen wei and i] started obsessing with the " i can sit on the wall. if my legs are in the air" theory thing. well you probably don't get what i mean cause i basically suck at explaining things but it was fun. manda took a photo. haha.

went for physics tuition. yadda yadda yadda normal boring physics crap. I UNDERSTAND MOST OF CHAPTER 2.9! YAY! [such a HUGE COLLOSAL accomplishment haha. note how i say "most of" instead of "all"]

anyway, after tuition ended. we all went out to the living room or wtv and shuen wei was like "... i'm hungry!:D" and as usual, my stomach like made this weird sound. i don't think they heard it but i did. haha so i was like " yeah me too." and we ate these jacobs biscuits or aomething thatr were like bran or oat cookies or whatever you call them. not bad actually haha. and then i said something about not getting constipation after eating this haha.

then after we ate like a dozen or so, amanda started picking crumbs off her shirt and pooping that into her mouth.[i fail to mention that earlier, shuen wei tried to flick a finger/toenail at me and missed.] welll, you can guess what happened next. amanda popped the "crumb" into her mouth. and was like " blueh! i think i ate something that doesn taste like food!" haha so adorable lah. and then she spat it out and shuen wei was all" i think that's my finger/toenail" i was like in the middle of stuffing a really large chunk of biscuit into my mouth [cause i'm greedy and i wanted to see how much i could get in haha.] i almost choked on the crumbs haha,.

THEY ARE SO FUNNY. love those guys.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

big bang theory

so are we clear on the plan?

yes. raj is going to wet himself, sheldon's going to run away, i'm going to throw up and you will die. .... shall we synchronise our watches? omg funny la..

this is damn funny. okay so the titles weird. but it still rocks! big bang theory is superbly awesome! :) especially the "three equal parts part." well. if you dont find this funny, YOU HAVE NO SENSE OF HUMOUR. either that or i have too much i don't know. :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


today.. is the day after manda s's birthday and 2 days after amanda ng's birthday yay!

happy birthday dudes!!!!

today at chem tuition i was like bloody sleepy and all and then i think i may have dozed off for a bit. don't blame pn yap cause she's awesome. blame school. amanda also was nodding off.. haha. but i think mines more obvious. then when i finally woke up and was like recharged or wtv, i decided to experiment... on manda. by trying to wake her up. so i put my pen down and practically air-slammed my hand into her face. and she was like "!!!" *tinggg!!!* REFRESHED! haha.. so effective. and now she can't stop going on about how the first half of her sentence is messy and the rest is super neat haha. funny la. so cute. :)

i envy manda. her transporter gives her candy.. TWICE A MONTH!!! .. or so. [she's not sure]. i want candy too... which reminds me, i have a whole packet of famous amos cookies at home. and im not allowed to touch it... NO FAIRRRRR. went to the doctors yesterday. i don't like the doctors. they make me feel weird. like a science experiment... yuck!

just remembered something. "i have sour eyes" haha so cute.

Friday, April 10, 2009

sexual education! hahahaha.

today. i mean now, i'm at huiyin'shouse!!! yay! MAC tomorrow. so we'll be looking like raccoons look out for us please. haha. if we are about to walk into walls or the new pipe things they built, please STOP US. or there will be near permanent damage to our faces. haha

anyways, i logged on msn! yay! lyen's back to her normal horny self.
[she'll kill me but who cares! she's at singapore. HAHA!]

oh just now we were playing the "how to contaminate huiyin's brain" game. it's fun. we are supposed to ask questions that will make khy's brain go "KA-SPLOOSHHH!" i wasnt so good.

i asked : do you know how babies are made.

hui yin said: yeah we learnt it in form three.

i was speechless and very sad. is this called nerding on her part?

then i was like "okay lyen your turn."

lyen said : do you know what an orgasm is?

haha! so sick haha.

hui yin was like "huh?" and i was like "holy shit... good idea.."
the conversation went like so.

lyenisawesome says:
do you know what orgasm is?
whereslyssa says:
whereslyssa says:
quick answer it!!
whereslyssa says:
i think this could work
whereslyssa says:
lyenisawesome says:
whereslyssa says:
lyenisawesome says:
hui yin
lyenisawesome says:
you know right
lyenisawesome says:
when the *censored*
lyenisawesome says:
repeatedly, it *censored*

and the rest is censored. hahahaha so funn. khy's in denial now. HAHAHAHAHA. lyen is awesome!

lyen sucks. waaay past the maximum level.

lyen. you complain we arent even tryign to contact you. COME DOWN TO MALAYSIA AND WE WILL LAH!

also, don't say we're not even trying. i got to your blog everyweek. do you come to mine? well even if you do. LEAVE ME A MESSAGE OR SOMETHING. i leave you messages. actually i leave messages like twice because your shout box thing is weird. and it bugs me.


lastly, if you didnt mean me in that post where you were mad-ish about everyone here, then pretend i didnt say anything here at all.

but if i'm included then hurry up and get your lazy non-existant ass back here haha miss you la....

my hand? is so popular today.

sometimes, i lie in bed thinking.

i am surrounded by idiots.

not really but i just REALLY REALLY wanted to say that. haha

i am so bored. but who cares it's the weekend!! haha today people saw my oral test thing on my hand. and they were like "omgg!! so scary!!" what's so scary?! it's just a bunch of words people. imagine what would happen when they see a book.....

typical dialogue when people see my inked hand

tong/shuen wei/ etc etc etc you know who you are. me

omg! alyssa! your handdd!!!
what?..ohhh haha it's my oral test
really?!!! so scary lah!
scary meh?
yeah. you're fingers so long. then like that..... actually quite cool also. haha
haha yeah i know haha

alyssa! what's on your hand!?
um oral test why?
what?! can fit everything on??
um yeah i guess so.
how are you going to read it?!
i dunno.. like this then this way.. then this way??
oo.. i see... alyssa say hi to everybody *waves my hand around *
haha okay. hi! hai. hey hiya! hello!

how incredibly lame are we? [very]

jenn said to take a pic of it and post it up.. but i'm lazy and it's already half smudged off... oh yay! rain stopped.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Why are certain words bad where as others are not Who got to decide the other name for a donkey was bad or a female dog were considered bad words

you know just thinking.

well do you get it?

oral test!! [no not dental hygiene] shit shit shit shit shitttt!!!

this morning hui yin applicated her new found japanese speaking powers [ haha thought by her friend i think] by poking me in the ribs and saying" anatawa baka desu?" luckily i actually know what that means or i wouldve admitted to being an idiot. so she was like " say yess!!" and i was like "... no" and she was like awwwwwww.... and then i retorted. " anatawa bakane desu." which is basically the same thing except it's in the form of a statement. haha. she was like " hahahahahahahahaha... wait did you just call me stupid?" so cute la. funny. five minutes slow so cute haha. [CQ IS RIGHT!]

oral test is tomorrow crap. got to go memorise the stupid shit thing i had prepared.

i find it extremely unfair that other classes get to read out of a sheet of paper and manage to not get a zero

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

random word of the day :Floccinaucinhilipilification [no i did not make that up.]

omg.. today at school was so bloody boring. i could say that the highlight for today was probably when school ended and i was gossiping with eva in the library haha. she's nice. surprising sane haha.

today we had to do this stupid waste of time moral paper thing. so boring... phwoarrr tong and ama sek today so so popular... haha.. kath also.. then i sit there like some orang asli [ cause i dunno how to speak mandarin. it is an evil language.]
i even had to resort to doing my homework.. MY HOMEWORK.. there's something wrong here. then we had to design card. stupidla.. ama sek and i were like what are we gonna do with the fathers day thing... haha....

tong said today munn leong very weird cause he started drawing on his shoe with marker pen...

hui yin is bugging me to tell her what i gossiped about. eeheee none of your businessss hahaha. shes going to kill me.. myahahahahahaha...

wha.. today my post so boring la... grow cube rocks haha so funnn....


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

i may be a loser. but i'm the COOLEST loser you'll ever meet. :P

if there were a picture or emoticon to describe me when i saw this.. it would be this one. HAHAHAHA

WAHAHAHAHAHA!!1 KHY!! IN FORM...[one or two.. one or two??!! or threee??!*crack*]SOMETHING!!!
pangkorr!! isnt the little girl so cute?! i played with her. cause i'm lame and in my head, we're about the same age.haha. [and no one would jump over waves with me mereka kata embarrassing pulak... bodoh]

Monday, April 06, 2009

Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one

the guys in bio tuition may or may not be afraid of me... today, i just noticed how unladylike i actually am. see here. AMA SEK [evilll] decided not to go for tuition today and therefore, i had to go by my lonesome and then sit in front where it is basically freakishly cold. and so i was freezing.

actually before bio tuition, as always i'm always gifted with the gift of punctuality and obviously, i had to wait outside as everyone is always late. unfortunate. i know. and then i had to sit there for like.. 15 minutes or so before this guy came and i stared at my mum with the " let me outttt." look till she said " fine. you can go in." and then i was like :D and went in. haha.

then the guy right, phwoar! so well mannered. open the gate for me. haha. joking la. i dunno la. wtv :P

anyways, went in class began. ashleyy didnt come..T_T which made me sad but nevermindddd.. and so i sat there with the other guys. sadnyaaaa... then... we did the experiment.. testing for starch and glucose with iodine and bennedict's solution?

yeah so then teacher was like passing out test tubes. the he said " fill one third of it with starch solution adn then spit in it so i can getyour salivary amylase. then he laughed to himself it was funny really. in the kind of cute creepy senile way. haha. but he's a good teacher and there are experiments so yeah.

then the guys filled in the starch thingy first. and then me. and then teacher was like " okay then you can spit in ti." and then i was like thinking okay. and you may think i'm gross or something but before he even finished his sentence i just turned around and like spat into it. eheh.. and now i'll continue what the teacher was going to say " .. so i know you all don't like to do it here because it is very private.. bal bla bla.. so you can go into the toilet and do it." and i was like thinking..*ho shit.. UNLADYLIKE! UNLADYLIKE!*

then the guys, yes THE GUYS, lined up at the kitchen area and one by one went in to spit.. then one went into the toilet to spit. eventually, it was just me and the guy who opened the gate for me earlier. and i was like well, stoning cause i already spat in it and stuff. then he saw me like stoning and was like " hah?? you spit already??" and i was like. "uh. mmhmm." nodding ya knoww.. and he was like "...*speechless*.." i'm like.. i dunno some village idiot who needs to be taught correct adequate behaviour after being brought into civilisation... sigh..
huiyin. teach me to be normal..T_T

i dream of angels. ..... . and insurance policies apparently.

this year i am uninsured. at school anyway. but i just found out that i am outside of school haha. what a relief. at least now when i get into a car accident i'll be less worried. haha.

anyways. i had a dream before i knew i was actually insured. wow.. it was scary. tong kath and ama sek was there.

at first, i was like. sleeping in the back of my mum's car. which is like an mpv or something. i don't know. nor do i care. and then suddenly, ama sek jumps into the car [i don't know how she jumped in okay! at first it was an mpv. but you know dreams. when ama sek jumped in, it was like a.. convertible. oo er. haha well dreams are ilogical right?] and was like " gogogogo!!" and i was like " omgwtf?!! what are you doing in my car?! getout!" haha and she was like all insulted. and then, poof!tong and kath were in the back seat and tong was like " tsk tsk tsk" or something like that and i was like " gah! wher'ed you come from!! omg! get out!!" haha. i'm so mean when i'm dreaming. [ i didnt mention this part at school cause i didnt want to get hit. not entirely stupid you know. and i do fear pain.]

then in the process of kicking tong out, kath was like " hahaha" it mustve looked funny to fictional kath. and then amanda said " we don't have time!" and then she slapped me and suddenly i was squashed in teh backseat with tong and kath. haha. weird i know.

then right this is stupid. amanda was like driving like a mad woman like almost crashing and stuff and i was like trying to get the safety belt on. and i said "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO DRIVE???" and ama sek was like " NO! BUT THIS IS FUN ISNT IT?!!!" and i was like *ho shit*...

i guess this is what i see ama sek as a crazy driving lunatic.

then then then, i suddenly shouted " let me out!!! I'M NOT INSURED!!" wa lao weih.. dreaming al;so still worried about that.. honestly, sometimes i worry abotu my mental health..T_T.

sorry you guys arent in it [ by which i mean khy, mada ng, manda leong.. uh uh... gwee chui yeng.. ya know who yu'all are.]

okay doing my bm work noww!! bye^^

Saturday, April 04, 2009

my left eye hurts and its puffy


see, keeping it short and to the point

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

i said i was crazy. i didnt say I had a problem.

this site is going to go on hiatus.[or is it haitus???]

i mean it.


no i don't. HAPPY APRIL FOOLS!

i am so bored and well of course i'm here for a reason but let's talk about other crap before i actually ge to that reason :)

april fools ;
The first of April every year. According to Lisa Simpson, this is when the Christians changed thier calender to January, and the pagans kept it at the first of April. The people who did not change were called april fools, and thier day was sabotaged by Christians for fun.
*chants* Now who's luaghing? now who's laughing?

i am that bored
okay so today i go to school and i didnt prank people. omg! wow!! see i'm THAT nice. haha. perasan shit. anyways, today as usual, jenn adn i had to sit at a table full of guys. [nick, vincent ng, jason, stefan, munn leong(if i missed anyone out, oops sorry :P)] and well, three of the guys ie;vincent, stefan and jason were like i dunno chanting?? would you call it that. well anyways it was really loud and it reminded me of a barber shop quartet even though only 3 of the were doing it. would it make it a barber shop trio? cause that just sounds weird.

munn leong sat on my spot today. >:( haha no la. i didnt really care. hilman didnt come so jenn and i sat next to nick.

jenn's pens arre all running out of ink for some reason haha. and she's really random. she was testing out her pens and she kept writing down "ALY. ALYY. HI ALY!!! " then she wrote down the names of the people at our table haha.

foo wai sang in class. and practically raised the bar to "impossible" for english. i am how you say dead-ed.

well anyways, the guys at our table kept throwing stuff at eugene haha so kesian. then eugene threw somethign at nick and it hit me so i picked it up and threw it back at him. i wouldve liked to say i hit him in the head but i missed and he caught it. it would have been better if it was aiming for his head and he caught it. but no-oh. it was off target by like what? a foot? possibly two. haha shows how much my aim has deteriorated.. and i actually used to be in my old schools basket ball club.. wow.. we must have sucked. haha

anyways, today some of the guys put glue on jason's chair haha. it being april fools and all. he sat on it. kesiannya. then he had to stand for like half the math period and teacher thought he was being funny.

then... someone told us that they put salt in eugene's bottle. haha. "how much?" i asked. and the guy was like " oh about this much." and he showed us the measurement of like i dunno and inch. he said it was in a packet. well it must have been really salty because when eugene drank it, he was like *twitch* haha. then he spat it out in the dustbin. i pity the poor sucker who has to clean that up.

i shall quote tong at that time "GERMS!!!" hahaha she's so funny.

okay and this is the part i wanted to talk about! i don't know when he did it but eugene poured some of his salt water thing into my 7/8 empty bottle. and then he was like " aiyoh. very thirsty lah." and i so kindly offered my bottle to him. see im so nice. then right of course he refused. and i was like okay.. so i opened it. and he was like watching me.. EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUSLY.. and thennn i was like stare at bottle. and sniff sniff. haha and my lip touched the rim and i licked it. "salty.." and then "woi!" haha stupid lah. no wait.. i think jing xian was the one who hinted.. no wait.. dunno la... don't care on the bright side i didnt drink everything.

then tong was all" eeww!! got so many boys saliva inside..." and i was like... "uh..." and then she turned to eugene and was like " you want her to drink your saliva is it??" or something like that. haha

so like about 3 hours later [at piano class] right, i almost took my bottle and drank from it. haha. luckily i remembered. after taking a sip. well actually it isnt that salty. diluted and all right? well i still poured it down the sink. stupid la... contaminate my water...

yes amanda i purposely typed it like this long so it would annoy you.haha.