Sunday, March 08, 2009

i must be nocturnal

why is it that i'm always wide awake at night and half dead during the day?

which brings up another question! why is it that people say half dead instead of half alive? does it mean we're pessimists?


what to do now...
ohmigodddd.. i want this so bad... look at it's awesomenosity.... so pretty... so so pretty... haha reminds me of a lame comis that is just so cute and incredibly funny.. makani rockssssss check it out.
haha it's a blog header so cute la.. except for you know the dead lamb and the sadistic girl dragging it around... well it's not her fault. everyone says it as mary HAD a little lamb right? i don't really know actually... mary had a litle lamb... mary has a little lamb.. had... i dunno la wtv i dunno why i must be sadistic too cause when i saw it i loaghed... either that or i'm retarded and cant differentiate scary anf funny...

imagine if you said you were going to kill me, my retardedness would make me say "ahahahaha that's so funny!!!!"haha..HEY! THAT'S A PART FROM YESMAN.. OH GAWD THAT MOVIE ROCKS SO BAD... okay.. feeling random.. oh well

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