Saturday, June 20, 2009

okay well im not tired.

well, i am currently waiting for the last of my downloads to finish and therefore, out of boredness, i am sadly, stalking some people. haha actually just one on facebook. but in my defense, she used to me my best best friend in the whole world.[sorry wen qi haha] but then we changed schools and well, being young stupid kids, we hadnt thought of the telephone so we fell out and such.

well, i just found out she added me on facebook and therefore i went to ke po at her profile thing haha. SHE'S CHANGED SO MUCH! i could barely recognise her. which is not fair because i look exactly the same as i was in primary school except taller. this is unfair.

well anyways, i realised that most of my old friends became prefects and i'm not going to write any names. haha.

OH MY GOD. i just remembered one more person i HAVE to stalk. my other best friend . oh no. i cant remember which one was first.. oo.. nah. i think i had two best friends in primary. but.. somehow, i possess no memories of all three of us. is it possible that my best friends didnt mix with eachother? huh. never thought of it that way. wow. so this is what exhaustion does to people.... weell, at least nie's done. hooray.

off to stalk people.

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