Wednesday, February 18, 2009

why is it that when people tell you theres about a gazillion stars in the galaxy and you readily believe them but when they tell you the paint is wet you would have to touch it before you believe them?

for ly en cause she's at singapore and i'm sneaking online.


okay so i woke up at this morning at like.. 6.15 which you may find it hard to believe is actually 30 minutes earlier than my usual wake up call [yes my mum does drive like a racecar driver in the morning ... zoooooommmmm]

why? people seem to think that i did it today because it was my birthday and i wanted presents and stuff. not really. i was just scared they wouldntlet me into school if i was wearing pj clothes cause you know school=irrationality right? so anyways i went there and i was reaaaallllyyyyy tired and such haha yawning all the way man.

um.. them manda ng gave me my present and said that if i opened it at school she would take it back [which is why, me being an idiot brought it into the toilet with me at ms behs and opened it there cause i couldn't wait ahahaha.] um.. manda sek gave me ear rings... tongg gave me chocolate and some candy... chui yeng gave me this really cute teddy keychain which kinda almost gave me a heart attack when i squashed it and it started making kissing noises and said i love you.. hahaha reminds me of that time in f.r.i.e.n.d.s when chandler said " oh my god! you nearly gave me a heart attack" in this really fake voice haha.

ummmm... people kept wishing me happy birthday like it was some sort of greeting.. yeah it felt nice and all but everytime people said it, they'd usually say it again the next time they met me haha.. and then i kept getting mixed up you know like who wished me and who didn't khy and cy are positive gwee jia didnt wish me but i'm not entirely wether she did or didnt i am blur that way.. either way its okay cause when people wish me happy birthday, i feel totally compelled to say "oh thanks! happy birthday to you too!" but of course i don't i'm not stupid. lyen i know what you're thinking. shaddup. haha to those who bother reading this and are not lyen, very sorry. the shaddup was meant only for her.

um... during bio as usual i found myself falling asleep cos for some reason whenever a teacher starts talking for a really long time without doing anything else, i start to get sleepy. so in bio, with tongie and li shen.. or jenn still not sure what i'm supposed to call her... tong was obviously paying attention and jenn and i were like" soo sleepy...". haha and teacher put this petri dish of water on the projector thingy and dropped some pottasium manganate crystals[wrong spelling??? i dunno.. muh speeling sarcks..double s or double t..] in it and we were like magically wide awake haha.

moved to um.. one of the highest floor classes after that? 5 jati was it?? dunno. anyways, tong and i sat in right front of the class and kath and manda sat somewhere at the back. and then halfway through maths, ELENA WONG was like " alyssa!! alyssa!!" she was a few seats away. " happy birthdayyyy!!" and sue jean was like mouthing the words haha.. and then i saw jenn like practically go " ho shit!! i didn't know it was her birthday!!" haha that was funny.. and then i heard tong turn to jenn and say " haha some more you say you sooo sleepy in bio class.." hahaha so many of them wished me you know.. i think all actually... do i have to name them all??? i'm lazzzzyyyyyyyyyy...

and then jenn was like "alyyy why didnt you tell me?? we could have made the whole class sing happy birthday to youuuu" she's so niceeee!!! i was like thinking oh crap don't.. it's like having oral except you sit there and everybody talks to you hahaha. anyways then people in the class started wishing me happy birthday and stuff from all directions and it was really really confusing... especially when you sit up front and your scope of vision is like... puny?

and right since the class was making like a lot of noise and such, our math teacher [also happens to be homeroom teacher] was like
teacher jenn
what's going on?
oh it's her birthday today!
ohhh.. this saturday got merentas desa[cross country]...

yeah like wth?? what is she going on about right? so random weih.. that got a good laugh from evryone haha.

and then the bell rang and they suddenly started singing. if i could blush, my whole face would've been like.. redder than a tomato.. haha kath said when they started singing i was like " craaaappp" and ducked down haha i think i did that.

piano class ms beh gave me cake... WHICH IS STILL IN MY BAG!! CRAPP! TO THE REFRIGERATORRRR... hahahaha and the girl whose name i know starts with an s but totally escapes me for the moment was like " who's birthday is it?" [in mandarin] "suei de sen ri?" [ is it like that? ahahaha idk!] when i gave her cake and i was like " mine?" hahaha..

it was still nice. omg!! my classmates are so bloody nice!! haha... okay i was going to say something funny i think but my brain stopped functioning a while ago so yeah. see lyenh now i save you the time and $$$ of smsing me and kp ing!! haha.. dude!! COME BACK IN MARCH OKAY?? miss you stupid.. then we can go um... web cam shoppingggg!!! you can pay for half!! haha jkjk

jie eu is so cute la.. apparently she say " wednesday thursday friday" which yeah is actually days of the week but it's also like her swear word cause it's like saying "what the f**k" haha wtf. you know. so cute la.. ki bing didnt get it till later. 5 MINUTES SLOW haha jkjk.

with many strange symbols and hearts,
FROM MALAYSIA. and i'm only saying that cause lyen said she missed malaysia mwahahahaha.


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