Thursday, July 02, 2009

i want my std 1 to 6 yearbooks!


so remember i said i coyuldnt stand michael jackson songs, well, theyve been playing so much that now theyre actually leaning towards less annoying on my scale thingy. actually pretty good.

my mum brought my phone to school today, she sits there for like so long and then when we get in the car " oh i brought your phone today" and hands it to me. WHAT IS THE POINT OF THAT???

why not give it to me earlier where i can take better grade photos of my friends.. did you know my phone's camera is actually equivalent to my mums old camera? haha. oh well.

okay. today i was being a little mean to several people. well, actually just the usual and jing xien. okay.

dear jing xien, you will probably never ever ever see this but i'm really sorry i made you bend down really low to block me from my mummy today. but thank you. it worked really well. however, in my defense, it was made necessary by her insistance on [bad grammar i think sorry :)] looking at me the whole time. still, thank you thank you thank you.

okay. well today was report card day. shouldve started with that but nevermind. pn sow said i'm quiet hahahaha. how nice fo her.

have to present poems tomorrow eep!!

staring at my std 1 and 2 yearbook haha we're all so cute. HAHAHAHA I FOUND MARTIN!!! .. but i'm not going to post a pic . because i'm nice.... and he might killl me. that's probably the real reason.

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