Friday, January 16, 2009

do you realise how many holes there woul be if people just took the time to dig the dirt out of them??

i wanted to type something really important..but evidently, i have totally forgotten.. hahahahahaha.... finally updated my dev art journal. at manda's house now. waiting for physics tuition to start.... so boring.. you know what? we're actually doing homework today.. omg!what a shocker right?

i'm so bored right now... and amanda's being a bit mean.. i wanna make a list! of what i don't actually know. oh shit... i've lost the will to make a big deal of something small and insignificant!!!! what's happening to me!!!! where's my inspiration??? hey.. is that a line from a simple plan song... hmmm.. nevermind!

GAH!just searched online. apparently, jumper 2 is only coming out in2011.. CRAAAAAAAPPPPPPP.. I CAN NOT WAIT THAT LONG.....

amanda's reading out everything i type..... it's soweird.. haha she just read out that last line. the moral is, don't read out everything you see... spent a few minutes laughing about a muffin.
.. i know, you're thinking," a muffin..."

just now, amanda's auntie came and called us out of the room for donuts. so when we came back in i like ran and stopped right at the sliding door to check if it was closed or not. yes.. glass doors have made me extremely paranoid. maybe this is why fluffy just stands next to it and meows to go out.....

played hangman.. it was _ORETASTE. and amanda who is like so freaking funny and makes my stomach hurtlike hell decided to say"boretaste,coretaste, doretaste foretaste[which was the right one..], goretaste, horetaste, iortaste, eortaste, etc etc etc..." to EVERY LETTER OF THE ALPHABET.... i don't know why but it made me laugh ... a lot.

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