Sunday, August 17, 2008

trying to upload a photo...

um.. i'm not exactly sure how people put pictures here.. but..

I WANNA PUT A PICTURE HERE.i just don't want this to happen

"ok.. so i click this button and it goes on the screen? hmmm...."*click*

POOF *explodes.

"uh... "

see... not good. but possible...

ok let's try anyway...
! I DID IT! i'm a GENIUS!!! {joking, i'm totally joking} labelling it...
top, left to right:ZOEY, ME, VS, SARA, PUI CHENG, SABRINA
bottom, left to right:LY EN, CHUI YENG, KHY, AMANDA{ng}, KATHLEEN, TONG, GWEE JIA

i'm bored. again. so i took this off eva's blog.

1. Are you allowed to have a bf/gf ?
uh.... no comment

2. Describe yourself in one word
the village idiot. oph wait that's three. you see, i can't even count right.

3. Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
.. i have no idea.. i don't really get the question. remember? the village idiot here.

4 . Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?
well, ch'ya. who hasn't?

5. Does it feel good to love?

6. God is giving u just 5 more minutes to live, IF you love someone special what will you say to that person?
oh crap, will you just shut up and let me talk already???my times almost up okay and i'm about to confess something REALLY important here! so just listen and STFU!

7. What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you?
fine. don't believe me. if aliens raid the earth looking for you, see you in the after life.>:( {yeah.. haha. i don't really get the question again...}

8.Was ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?
uh would yes be a bad answer? if so then.. no...^^

9.What's your opinion about someone who's jealous?
jealous about what? if it's me.. then.. "WHAT'S THERE TO BE JEALOUS ABOUT? BEING THE VILLAGE IDIOT ISN'T THAT FUN." if not then.. uh.. "GET OVER IT!"

10.What can you say about playboys/playgirls?
uh..."zipp" do you here that? that means i'm zipping my mouth shut.

[ACT 2 ]
1. Best place to cry ?
hmm... i don't know. i cry when i laugh sometimes and when i start, i kind of can't stop.. this gives people the wrong ideas...

2. Who do you love the most?
ahaha.. can't tell...*seriously, i can't tell.* it's veeery confusing...

3. Ever hated someone so bad?
uh.. maybe.. i'm a bit blur...*tries to remember* well.. there was this one person .. oh no wait.. that was a movie.. ahahaha...>< which case.. then.. no?

4. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
uh.. i have a really short termed memory.. and like.. i forget stuff.. a lot...

~ Had a beer with ?
uh... with my cousins at their christmas party at singapore.. beer is so BUBBLY!

~ Went to the movies with ?

~ Talked on the cell phone with ?
uh.. i think it was amanda... but it couldv'r been martin.. people don't really call my hand phone.. the house phone is MUCH cheaper.

~ You hugged?
uhm... *thinking, thinking...*i have no idea.. seriously.. but i seem to recall hugging someone.. VS!... or zozo.. or my mum... hmm..

~ You yelled at ?
uh... i yell when i'm happy so does this apply.. cuz then the last ppl i yelled at were.. tong, amanda and khy.

~ Kissed someone ?
uh no.

~ Sing/Sang/Sung ?
uh.. well, duh? i mean who doesn't. ppl are bound to sing to themselves... i guess.

~ Danced crazy?
YESTERDAY!! ahahahaha!

List as many people as you want to tag and inform them in their Cbox or comment column.
i shall tag.....
uh.. TONGIE!! AND AMANDA{but she doesn't have a blog..} and KHY and LYEN!!!! but how exactly do i tag them?

did you know ly en's house was ROBBED last night??? WTF RITE?? sokesian when she told me today i thought she was joking.. they took her 2 flatscreen tvs, a laptop and her//her bro's ic.. like WTF???

lotsa luv,

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