Friday, August 15, 2008

hey buddeh. 'sup pal

eem soooh bore-ed. and hungreeee!!!!

stomach growling. cannot. resist. urge. to. do. something. very. stupid...

"i wonder if cat food tastes ok..."

HAHAHA joking joking. there is NO way i am eating that... unless it's like.. the only thing available on earth. ahahahaha.

yes. i have indeed created a new level of crazy. like how cool am i? {not very}

but seriously, i am very... very, very hungry...

can you say "RAID THE SUPPLY CLOSET???"

can you say "
neither can i! what are the odds? 'niways, it's a name of a place. i don't know where. but it is. look it up on google. mahaha.

-lyssa. i wonder if ppl who don't know me too well know that i can be like this -crazy, i mean-