pictures first

we must go iceskating next time people!!
had the awesomest time man. and the word AWESOME has been spread to karyew. muahahahaha.
and best of all. you could seriosuly enjoy the "free"ness of the tickets.. which reminds me. i need to apologise to the other dude who couldnt go.
dude, sorry about the death thing... but seriously, thanks for lettign me go :) you are awesomeeee
anyways, went to resh's house in the morning maybe 9.20 ish. yes i was a wee bit late. but nevermind we got there reasonably early ish. picked up kar yew and bob at pantai seafood. i have another comment to add here but i wont. :P
then straight of to sunway. resh's mum is soo nice. haha. scary at first. but after that, very nice.
you cannot believe the line to go into sunway. apparently we werent as early as we thought we were but oh well. i actually thought it woudl be pretty much empty what with the H1N1 pandemic thing anyway. but i guess i was really wrong.
well, the first ride we went on was... well i think it was the log thing but it couldve been the pirate ship. well. we went on the log thing like 5 times. haha. awesome. and we all took turns to0 sit in front. some more than others.
according to the times we sat.
#1 resh me kar yew bob
#2 [bob ran away and ditched us] resh me karyew
#3 kar yew resh me [i learnt the back seat is waayy more comfortable and safer than the middle.]
#4 me resh kar yew. [i think]
#5 resh me kar yew [just realised kar yew gets to sit at the back a lot.]
oh and kar yew has FREAKISHLY LONG LEGS. .. so does resh actually.
#2 [bob ran away and ditched us] resh me karyew
#3 kar yew resh me [i learnt the back seat is waayy more comfortable and safer than the middle.]
#4 me resh kar yew. [i think]
#5 resh me kar yew [just realised kar yew gets to sit at the back a lot.]
oh and kar yew has FREAKISHLY LONG LEGS. .. so does resh actually.
anyways,that was probably the most fun we had. and we got soaking wet the first time. its like we just stepped into the ocean or something.
found bob later at the arcade. went on the 360 degree pirate ship thing. resh admitted it wasnt that bad and she wasnt nauseous which was good. and karyew started singing in the middle of the ride. some song about love i think. haha. bob. well bob was pretty much freaked out. he was like quiet during the entire thing and later his entire face was red.
tomohawk or how ever it is you spell it.
bob was pretty sure he couldnt sit on this one so he sat outside or something. i sat with resh, kar yew was at the back with some guy. he was singing a little i think haha. how musical. resh's legs were shaking creepily after that.
we may have gone on the suspension bridge after this but i dont remember. so lets just pretend we did. anyways, the tunnel to the suspension bridge is like some kind of optical illusion and we were really dizzy and such. on the bridge, i realised just how scared of heights i really was. but recovered [thank god] but, i think we went like 3/4 ofthe way before they decided "yay! lets go back!!] i was thinking like "YOU GUYS WANT TO WHAT?!". but we walked back anyway. bob introduced us to the idea of jumping off the bridge. and we were all like "jump la."
then i think we went on the cowboy boots or something? okay i admit. my memory is very screwed up so yeah. bob sat in one and kar yew sat in one. resh and i talked about lots of things in one of the boots. quite fun and she kept doing these red indian impressions haha.
kar yew has a very high pitched scream but its all good haha.
we went to the wet park? and this is where i think bob ditched us to go to sunway pyramid.
played the carpet thingy and yeah. then we went to that slide near the wave pool i think. very fun. went on like so many times. im also pretty sure resh pushed some guy down.
went on the rollercoaster after that. just resh, kar yew and me. had a bondng session cause the qeue was so unbelievably long. but its good. we learnt lots of things. seriously. bonded a lot today. very fun.
remember. the watch thingy at sunway that lets you go into the area, yeah its not a watch, no matter how many times you stare at it, it will not tell you the time. yes. but you know, old habits die hard right?
anyways we left about 4 and kar yew and i redeemed watches and resh went to get her ten bucks back.
went to sunway pyramid to find bob. went bowling. they're all pretty good actually. lost to bob by 1 point in the second match. because unlike SOME PEOPLE, we bowl to have fun. not to see who wins. okay. anyway, took a couple of videos and stalked them a little when it wasnt my turn. and you know. when you're the camera person it kinda sucks because its like you're not even there. awww. oh well.
there was this weird cleaner guy who was like stalking and staring at my legs and resh's legs. what a great day to wash my jeans... wear shorts and then get stared at by a miang guy. yuck!
ate pizza hut for dinner. i helped a little kid pick up her spoon. SHE WAS SO CUTE.
watched G-force. yes i know the guinea pig movie. very cute. better than i expected. love the mice ad the deranged ferret hamster.
all in all awesome day. we also did one entire round outside of sunway cause we got lost. and yeah. very tired. stayed over at reshs house! we gossipped and talked about well important-ish stuff till about 2. then K-Oed and slept like babies.
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